Paradox SP4000 PCB and K10V Keypad

Kit Includes:


>      1 x Paradox SP4000 PCB

>      1 x K10V Keypad



>      Paradox SP4000 Supports Stay D mode

>      4-wire expansion bus

>      Expandable to 32 zones

>      Expandable to 16 PGMs

>      2 Partitions

>      32 User Codes

>      Supports IP150+ Internet Module

>      Menu-driven programming for the Installer, Master and Maintenance codes

>      Multiple phone numbers: 3 for monitoring station, 5 for personal dialing and 1 for pager reporting

>      Automatic Daylight Savings Time feature

>      Push button software reset (reset to default values and restart)

>      256 events buffered

>      One Year warranty

Price: $389.00

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